2018 Champion of Artists Awardee Spotlight: Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM)
As we lead up to 12th Annual “Artists Under The Dome” Event and the MALC 2018 “Champion of Artists” Awards on November 14, 2018, at the State House, we are highlighting each of the six “Champion of Artists” awardees. This post is highlighting Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM): “Art advocates protecting the Public Trust at the Berkshire Museum“. This particular award is given in the memory of State Representative Chris Walsh.

This is the third time MALC has given these awards, which will be part of the morning program. The award ceremony will begin at 10:30am in the State House’s Great Hall located on the second floor. This ceremony, along with all the events that are part of the annual Artists Under the Dome event, are free and open to the public. Although it is not required, we are urging people to register for the event.
For more information and to register:
This years awardees in alphabetical order:
- State Representative Cory Atkins, House Chair of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development
- Adrienne Hawkins, Dance Artist, Master Teacher, Choreographer
- Julie Hennrikus, Founder of Your Ladders, Arts Advocate, Mystery Author
- Meri Jenkins, Cultural Districts Program Manager/Massachusetts Cultural Council
- Lou Jones, Photographer
- Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM): Art advocates protecting the Public Trust at the Berkshire Museum
This award is given in the memory of the late State Representative Chris Walsh. Chris strongly encouraged artists to become organized then to advocate civically for issues important to them. The artists who co-founded Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM) did exactly that.
MALC supported the advocacy of Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM) to protect important art treasures at the Berkshire Museum from auction, especially work that artist Norman Rockwell donated to the Berkshire for future generations in the Pittsfield area to be able to enjoy forever. STA-STM artists gave up treasured time from their creative practices to advocate for the protection of all artists’ rights with regard to their legacy wishes, from donating work to their designated collecting institutions to protecting work held in the public trust by art museums. We all owe them great thanks.
Profile: Save the Art–Save the Museum (STA-STM), “Art advocates protecting the Public Trust at the Berkshire Museum”
Save the Art—Save the Museum (STA–STM) is an ad hoc citizens group formed in the summer of 2017 to protest the Berkshire Museum’s announcement of its intent to sell the core of its valuable art collection, change its founder’s mission, and violate its responsibility to the communities it serves.
Their group of 1500 nationwide supporters contextualize the issues for the public and the press, organized protests, raised funds for litigation, and educated the public. STA brought national attention to issues critical to the future of all public art collections, and continues to advocate for preservation of the Public Trust.
They are united by commitment to the importance of this historical collection, its artists, donors, and their regional significance.
Their website, https://artberkshires.org, documents STA activities and offers background information through national and regional print, broadcast, and social news media, as well as court filings.
While recent litigations decided in favor of the Berkshire Museum resulted in liquidating the most valuable works of art, STA’s efforts brought national attention to critical issues that impact increasingly vulnerable public collections. The devastating loss to the Berkshire community, especially Pittsfield, demonstrates the need for effective legal protections to safeguard publicly owned art collections, a key STA goal.
“The Public Trust, by definition, belongs to all of us and must be preserved for future generations.”