Urgent Call To Action! Stop H.4384 Before It Deprives Children of Musical Instruments!
[dropcap type=”rounded-with-ring” color=”blue”]Y[/dropcap]esterday, one day before Governor Deval Patrick leaves office, the state legislature enacted a bill that threatens access to musical instruments for students throughout the Commonwealth. H.4384, “An Act relative to the sterilization of musical instruments in schools,” could potentially force school districts and/or parents to pay for expensive and possibly carcinogenic sterilization of musical instruments. Musical instruments are currently sanitized through medically approved methods.
[highlighter color=”light-blue”]Contact the Governor’s office: 617.725.4005[/highlighter]
While the bill purports to defend children from communicable diseases, current sanitization methods already do that. The expensive new method could mean cash-strapped school districts and students from low-income families are left without musical instruments. The bill specifically involves wind instruments only and it pertains to instruments that are rented not owned by the students.
The key points to mention:
1) There is no scientific evidence to support the premise that sharing instruments spreads communicable diseases.
2) The assumption that the parent or guardian could and/or school district could or would assume the entire cost of instrument sterilization will create a significant barrier of entry for many students.
It is also important to note that the person behind this bill is a dentist who developed the sterilization method and stands to profit if this bill becomes law*
The bill hit Governor Patrick’s desk yesterday. Today is his last day in office. Please contact the Governor’s office today to voice your opposition to this needless and potentially destructive bill. Please be polite and be concise. We would like to see H.4384 vetoed on behalf of all children who deserve the chance to study music through learning to play a musical instrument.
You may contact the Governor’s office at 617.725.4005.
Again, please be polite and concise. And please call today! Please urge others to call as well!
Kathleen Bitetti
Artist & Co-Founder of MALC
*2012 WBZ iTeam story