Update on the State Budget Process: Conference Committee
The state budget has moved on to the next phase: Conference Committee.
(Need to catch up on the FY20 budget? Check out The MALC Guide for Senate Budget Debate.)

Massachusetts Artists Leaders Coalition
Artists leaders and artist-run groups addressing policy issues that affect artists in Massachusetts
The state budget has moved on to the next phase: Conference Committee.
(Need to catch up on the FY20 budget? Check out The MALC Guide for Senate Budget Debate.)
(on behalf of the Mass Production Coalition)
The most important place to be. Come together with industry members at the State House this Tuesday to Keep MA Film Jobs Alive!
The state legislature’s Revenue Committee has scheduled June 11th for a hearing on bills H.2419 and S.1728 – that would eliminate the looming sunset date of the Film & Television Incentive program.
If the sunset date is not removed from the film tax incentive, our industry will disappear, and film and television production will no longer take place in Massachusetts. (more…)
A State House hearing for two important pieces of legislation is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th at 1pm. We need artists of all disciplines to testify and/or send in written testimony in support of the following:
H.1652 “An Act Relative to the Creative Economy Bill”, filed by Rep. Mary Keefe
& its counterpart in the Senate, S.1099, filed by Senator Michael O. Moore.
Link to H.1652 https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/H1652
Link to S.1099 https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/S1099
MALC will be testifying in support of both pieces of legislation and encourages others to come and testify and/or send in written testimony in support of these bills! (more…)
(reposted from the Mass Cultural Council’s May 23, 2019, “Budget Update“)
The Massachusetts Senate has voted to support an amendment to the state budget that would boost cultural funding to $18 million for the coming fiscal year.
Backed by a statewide grassroots advocacy campaign led by MASSCreative, Senators voted overwhelmingly to back amendments to boost funding for the arts, humanities, and sciences to $18 million for FY20 and assure Mass Cultural Council’s community-based partnerships and services continue. The amendments to an earlier Senate Ways & Means Committee plan were authored by Senator Ed Kennedy of Lowell, Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Arts, and Cultural Development.
“Arts and culture are big business in Massachusetts, supporting more than 73,000 full-time jobs, generating more than $2.2 billion in total spending and $100 million in state tax revenue,” Senator Kennedy told his colleagues on the Senate floor. “Programs funded by the Cultural Council make Massachusetts a desirable place to live, study, and work.” (more…)